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Rooski delivers innovative solutions to tackle the toughest challenges football coaches face today.

Whether you’re exploring cutting-edge strategies like using visual cues to communicate plays on the field or diving deep into our library of over 20,000 All-22 video clips to unlock fresh insights, Rooski equips you with the tools you need to elevate your game and much more.

It's time to push the boundaries of what your players can execute on game day!

Your players have unbelievable capabilities to execute a wide variety of play calls during a game. But the problem is that most play calling systems require players to memorize their assignments. This requirement limits what you as a play caller can call in a game. And ultimately, this limits your team's potential.

That's where Rooski comes in.

Built from the ground up by Thad Wells—a coach who’s faced the same grind and challenges as you—Rooski isn’t just another tool. It's your comprehensive answer to the most common challenge in coaching the game of football....How do you get your players to reach their potential in executing plays that you call?

Are you ready to transform your coaching journey and redefine the boundaries of what's possible for your players?

Rooski is going ALL IN in 2024....are you?

Run Your Plays Faster, Smarter, and More Efficiently

Why Rooski?

  • Instant Play Execution

    Say goodbye to the slow, tedious process of memorizing plays. With Rooski, your players can execute complex plays instantly by simply looking at intuitive visual cues. It's like having a fast-forward button for your playbook.

  • Accelerate On-Field Learning
    Move beyond the whiteboard. Rooski enables players to learn directly on the field, where it matters most. It's hands-on learning at its best, turning practice into an efficient, engaging experience.

  • Unlock the Power of Every Player
    Don't let a player's difficulty in memorizing plays hold them back. Rooski visual aids ensure that even those who struggle with traditional play calling can shine on the field. It's about giving every player the tools they need to succeed.

  • Attract the Best Athletes

    With Rooski, football becomes accessible to all. Encourage top athletes from your school to join the team, breaking down the barrier of complex play memorization. Rooski is the key to unlocking hidden talent.

  • Push Your Gifted Players Further

    Instead of limiting your playbook to the lowest common denominator, use Rooski to challenge and stretch your most gifted players. It's a system that grows with your team's abilities.

  • Adapt Quickly to Injuries

    Injuries don't have to derail your game plan. With Rooski, you can seamlessly move your next best player into position, maintaining the integrity of your strategy.

  • Early Successes, Confident Players

    Start your season with wins, not losses due to confusion over plays. Rooski ensures quick, early successes, boosting team morale and confidence.

  • Simple and Intuitive

    Rooski is as easy as 'color by number' for play calling. It's the straightforward solution to complex play designs.

  • Like Having the Answers to the Test

    Every play in Rooski is an open book test with clear, visual answers. This isn’t just a playbook; it’s a game-changer.

Ready to Revolutionize Your Play Calling?

Discover how Rooski can transform your team's performance. Join the ranks of coaches who are changing the game with visual play calling.

What's Included In Rooski

Rooski Pro Plus includes:

  • Rooski Play Calling System
    The Rooski Play Calling System is the most flexible play calling system in the game. It allows you to use images on the field to have your players line up anywhere and execute any assignment. This proven system removes the bottleneck of memorization that all other systems have. Now you can take any player, put them exactly where you want and have them execute an endless array of assignments without the need for memorization. You can call plays however you like by using words, signals, boards and/or wrist coaches. With Rooski Pro you will get unlimited updates sent to you throughout 2024.

  • Modern Shotgun Playbook

    Get 75 of today's most popular shotgun plays in a 'Print And Play' playbook. Use this for your own offense or a simple and fast solution for scout teams.

  • All 22 Library
    Watch and download over 20,000 All 22 clips of college and pro teams.

  • Champion's Checklist

    Access a 12 month guide to building a championship program. This resource comes with a detailed 12 month plan and videos breaking down what needs to be done every month of the year.

  • Advanced Practice Planner
    A new and improved way to schedule practices. This system allows you to give more details to each coach and print off a unique practice schedule for them.

  • Pride Point System

    Use this system to incentivize our players to show up motivated for all team activities.

  • Color Cadence System
    Learn 11 different cadences that any offense can use to manipulate a defense

Rooski Has Been Used By 1,000s of Coaches

To date, Rooski has been used by coaches from the youth levels, all the way up to NFl coaches.

And this off-season, over 1,000 coaches have downloaded the system to start using in 2024.

Here is what coaches have to say about Rooski.

(Names removed to respect privacy.)

  • Virginia HS Head Coach
    "If you have players who play multiple positions, speak other languages, or have different learning needs this levels out all of that. Can’t recommend the Rooski play calling system enough!"

  • Illinois HS OC

    "I love Rooski! I've used it the past 2 seasons and I'm honestly not sure how I would have installed the offense without it."

  • Virginia HS Head Coach

    "We used Rooski this season and plan to use it again next season!"

  • Louisiana HS Head Coach

    "We will 100% be using Rooski next season."

  • Missouri HS Head Coach

    "We are planning on using it to help with our offense and our scout team."

  • Alabama HS Head Coach (18 years)

    "I think it is great and can be used in numerous applications. I have used the Tony Franklin arm band in the past for around 13 years but I think this might be an easier way to help our players especially in the spring, early season, and/or with younger players."

  • Florida HS Head Coach
    "We are switching to the Rooski system to call plays next season."

  • Iowas HS OC

    "I see us using it for plays we don't get enough reps at: specials, red zone, SYGL, 2 pt plays, shifts/motions, and especially for our 2's in case of an injury.

    The week before I learned about Rooski I had 2 different sophomores that are difference makers for us say "Coach I'll never be able to remember all the plays, formations, and signals."

    It struck a cord with me...I'm extremely excited because I know this will help us be more efficient and confident in our assignments and technique."

  • Florida HS Coach
    "The Rooski system is intriguing to me as I have a history with wristbands and have experienced the limitations of a traditional layout. So having a system where you can fit 75 plays with checks built in, as well as the ability to have players be color coded and moved around, seamlessly feels natural."

  • Oregon HS Coach

    "I think being able to just have them look at photos of the plays make it so much simpler. Especially when running a spread offense that can have a lot of wrinkles. My kids struggle with football IQ, and most don't watch football on Saturday and Sundays. I think system allows me to have a diverse playbook but not have to get frustrated or worried about their ability to remember play names, etc. I also love the idea of being able to have different plays each week depending on the opponent as well."

  • New Jersey HS Head Coach

    "What I like about Rooski is the ability to move players around and be more creative formationally. I think it will be easier for the players to see the picture, rather than to just go off memory. I think this system is better.

    Additionally, we are the smallest division in ______ so I 100% agree with your point that I would rather have my next best player in, than maybe that position's backup, so this helps with knowing what to do."

Interview with a Rooski User

Mark Holcomb is a legend in North Carolina. He has built several winning programs, including starting one from scratch. In this video Mark talks about the role Rooski has played in building multiple winning programs.

Videos Answering Common Questions

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How much does Rooski 24 cost?
    It's free for 7 days and then just pay $27 a month to maintain access to Rooski Pro Plus. You can cancel before your first payment or anytime after.

  • Can I pay with a check from my school?
    Yes! Just email us at [email protected] today to let us know you would like to pay via PO/check and we will get you setup for a yearly plan.

  • Does Rooski work for Special Teams?
    Yes! You can use Rooski for Offense, Defense, Special Teams and Scout Teams!

  • What do I use to design the images that go into the Rooski Pro play calling system?
    You can use any play creator or image creator you want. We recommend using PowerPoint.

  • Do players learn concepts with this system?
    Not only will your players learn the concepts, but they'll also get more reps at executing the individual pieces of each concept because they don't have to spend time memorizing things. There is a difference between memorizing something and learning it. Ultimately we want our players to get reps at applying their assignments and Rooski allows for this better than any other play calling system in the game!

©2023 Rooski